Learning Center provides new Math services
February 2, 2019
Whether in need of writing support or an extra push to stay on the path of success, the Learning Center Tutoring Lab will begin to expand throughout campus, providing additional services to students.
The Learning Center has expanded locations and now offers Focused Drop-In Tutoring for MATH 053 and 113 tutoring in BTC and Liberal Arts, in additional to regular hours still offered in the Learning Center.
This free service began Jan. 29 and will be available every Tuesday from 1 until 3 p.m. in Biomedical Technical Center Rm. 255 and Liberal Arts Building, Rm. 310. These sessions will focus on questioning techniques and implementation methods developed in order to guide a student’s learning and establish a sense of self-teaching.
While “Drop-In Tutoring” is specific to MATH 053 and 113 courses, the Learning Center Tutoring Lab will continue to provide support to Schoolcraft’s variety of courses including science and other math courses. Additionally, the Learning Center provides writing support through the Writing Support Studio, which is available for all courses. Students can meet for peer-led guidance to improve on technical writing, formatting, brainstorming and editing. Writing support services are available Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturday from noon until 4 p.m. The Writing Support Studio is located within the Learning Center in Bradner Library, Room 119.
Further support services include Academic Success Coaching, International Learning Support and Peer Assisted Learning (PAL). Academic Success Coaching provides students a one-on-one meeting with a success coach to discuss techniques to improve upon academic success and the development of study skills, time-management methods, test-taking strategies and goal-setting skills.
For information regarding Academic Success Coaching or to schedule an appointment, students can contact the Learning Center at 734-462-4436 or via email at [email protected]. International Learning Support provides international students and community members with an opportunity to connect, learn, on and support one another via small groups, study groups and tutoring. Moreover, international students are able to strengthen and exercise their English skills in a comfortable and engaging environment.
Peer Assistant Learning (PAL) provides structured study sessions for specific courses facilitated by a trained peer who has previously done well in that specific course. “Typically, PAL’s hold a session that’s separate to a lecture to go over the material covered in class and answer questions about the homework,” said Carrie Ross, PAL for Physics 181 with Professor Chris Wood. “Teachers do their best to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, but sometimes you need a different explanation or perspective to understand concepts.” This support service is available within the first couple of weeks following the start of class and is offered as a walk-in service through Learning Support Services.
Students seeking further information pertaining to support services available on campus should contact the Learning Center at 734-462-4436 or visit Bradner Library, Room 119.
Lab hours are 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Friday and noon until 4 p.m. Saturday.