Leading the way

Student leaders attend SAO leadership retreat

Chantele Fox, Editor-in-Chief

On Aug. 9 and 10, student leaders from various campus clubs attended the 2019 Student Activities Office (SAO) Leadership Retreat in preparation for the upcoming school year.
During this retreat, these leaders were presented with a series of activities and professional development exercises designed to not only enhance their leadership technique, team building, problem-solving and organizational skills, but to promote interpersonal skills, networking and fellowship.
Day One of the retreat focused on professional development. This included a series of activities planned to assist student leaders in better planning for their clubs, create opportunity for networking between clubs and discovering individual leadership styles.
Day Two consisted of two parts with the first being a trip to Walled Lake Outdoor Nature Center where students were introduced to a series of tasks that were implemented in order to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while also developing a deeper sense of team building and trust. The second part of the day concluded with a fellowship trip to Novi Bowl, where the students enjoyed a couple games of bowling and lunch.
Any students interested in becoming a student leader should contact the Student Activities Office at 734-462-4422.
On day 2, students were put into teams for a series of team building exercises desgined to increase trust and communication. In this image, a small group of leaders were tasked with carrying a ball balancing on a ring connected to a series of string. To complicate the situation, they were also tasked with directing a blindfolded member of their team. Should the ball drop, they were to start over.
Photo Credit: Eryn Hutchins

Sara Lynn Doty, Chairman of College Project for Phi Theta Kappa Omicron Iota and Student Activites Baord Officer, and Alex Zuccarini, WebMaster for the Schoolcraft Connection, take a moment to reflect upon the team building exercises during Day 2 of the Leadership Retreat.
Photo Credit: Eryn Hutchins

Business Club President, Catreese Qualls along with Student Activities Director, Todd Stowell, demonstrates in an exercise the professionalism and engagement needed to recruit for and promote a club.
Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

Student Leaders were divided into groups for an exercise designed to help identify both the strengths and areas for growth within their marketing and recruitment plans for their clubs. During this exercise, as a group, they brainstormed ideas on how to better market their club goals and to increase student involvement across campus.
Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

A second exercise involved students taking a brief assessment to determine which type of leadership style that most likely possessed.
Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

Day 2 of the 2019-2020 Leadership Retreat concluded with a trip to Novi Bowl for an opportunity for fellowship and team building.
Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College

Chantele Fox, Editor-in-Chief for the Schoolcraft Connection, Carrie Ross, PAL for the Learning Center and Matthew Fular, President of Phi Theta Kappa Omicron Iota.
Photo Credit: Schoolcraft College