I’m not good at goodbyes


Christian Hollis, Managing Editor

I am both excited and sad to say that my time at Schoolcraft College has come to an end. I will be graduating from this wonderful college this month and I leave with wonderful memories, a strong education and an incredible experience.
For the last two years, I have dedicated my life to the Schoolcraft Connection. My time here has truly changed my life. The Connection pushed me toward my passion and the current trajectory that I’m on in life.
I have built connections with dozens of instructors, students and staff. I am grateful for everything I have learned things like the importance of journalism and how it affects our culture from professor Ditouras’s Mass Media class, to how to be a better person from my time working with Jennifer Cook in the Cage at the Physical Education building, and how to be the best possible employee – while staying human – from JoAnne Stadnicar at Career Services. But the most important thing I have learned is how to be a leader from the advisers of the Schoolcraft Connection, Rena Laverty and Todd Stowell.
I stumbled into this office just because I wanted to write, but never did I think I would be in the position of Managing Editor or Editor-in-Chief. It is a lot of responsibility. I had to learn how to manage the group while staying on top of deadline, relentlessly searching for errors in the editing process, being responsible for my own articles and lead a major rebranding. I did this all while taking classes and working another job.
Thankfully, I had Rena and Todd for all the times I was overwhelmed and they guided all of us, editorial staff, to our success.
In 2018, I was honored to be recognized as the Student Employee of the Year for my work at this publication, but I would not have that honor if it weren’t for the staff here. Everything we ever do her at the Schoolcraft Connection, we do it as a team and we all commit to do what is best for the paper.
I stepped away from the Schoolcraft Connection for a semester, but I believe coming back is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now, I am completely handing this passion of mine off to the new staff. I leave in confidence that current Editor-in-Chief, Chantele Fox, will continue to thrive next semester in her role of leadership.
I’m proud to be an Ocelot – and I am thankful to you, our loyal readers for staying connected.