Un-News-ual News

Josiah Thomas, News Editor

U.S. Department of Agriculture (accidentally) lists Wakanda as Trade Partner

As part of a test of the USDA’s Agricultural Tariff Tracker, the fictional nation of Wakanda was listed as a trade partner with commodities such as fresh vegetables, unroasted coffee, essential oils and livestock.
“The Wakanda information should have been removed after testing and has now been taken down,” said USDA spokesman Mike Illenberg to NBC News.
So far, Marvel has not commented on the nation’s temporary [sic] trade agreement with the U.S.

A traffic jam of his own making

Argentinian artist, Leandro Erlich, was commissioned by the City of Miami Beach, Fla. to create the “Order of Importance” that stood from Dec. 1 until Dec. 15 in South Beach, Fla.
“[It] addresses an issue that is linked to our relationship to the natural order, the environment and how important it is to remain in balance in order to survive,” said Erlich.
This installation consists of 66 life-sized sand sculptures of cars and trucks lined up in the same manner as a traffic jam on South Beach.

Man burns Bible to steal merchandise

Andrew Ells, a 27-year-old man lit a Bible on fire at a Walmart in North Dakota. This was done to cause a distraction, with the hopes of stealing items from the store, according to a police affidavit. Ells was captured on surveillance video wearing a camouflage ski mask in the store, going behind some crates in the garden center area, where he lit the fire, according to the Associated Press. Ells is charged with felony arson and endangerment by fire or explosion and has no attorney listed for his defense.