Un-News-Usual News

Annelisa Ginger, Staff Writer

The Queen of Queen
Australian woman, Joanna Conner, broke Guinness World Records in 2018 by seeing the Queen biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody” a record-breaking 108 times in theaters. As the film has a runtime of two hours and 13 minutes that equates to 230 hours, or nine and a half straight days, of pure Queen. Conner was rewarded for her feat as the story caught the attention of Queen’s road manager, who invited her backstage at Brisbane to meet band members Brian May and Roger Taylor. Conner now considers herself a superfan of the band.
Ghost in the… Walls?
The Smiths, an Illinois family, have been hearing voices and music coming from their 9-year-old daughter’s bedroom walls for years – without the aid of any kind of speaker or stereo equipment. The family was able to determine that the source of the sounds was a local AM radio station, but they are still unsure as to why or how it’s coming directly from inside the wall. An engineer examined the wall but could not find anything to explain the phenomenon.
Now boarding: Chick-Fil-A
A group of cross-country students in Albany, NY recently bought an airline ticket just to get a Chick-Fil-A lunch. Unfortunately, there were no Chick-Fil-A restaurants close to the team’s school. However, there was a Chick-Fil-A inside a nearby airport, so the team decided to get creative.
The students pooled their money to buy Vincent Putrino, the captain of the cross-country team, the cheapest airline ticket they could find – a one-way ticket to Fort Lauderdale costing $98. Putrino entered the airport using the ticket and made it to the airport’s Chick-Fil-A, where he was able to successfully order lunch for the team.