News Briefs

RJ Hartsoe, Staff Writer


The Power of Christ Compels You

Local Catholic churches have taken precautions against the spread of Coronavirus. One such example is Lake Catholic Church in Gross Pointe, Mich. The priest is not giving out handshakes but will give handshakes if people come to him seeking one. The Church very rarely breaks mass tradition and it takes a lot to have a systematic change like this. There are also masses across the area being canceled over the fear of spread. All masses have been canceled by the Catholic church until Palm Sunday. The fear comes in the aftermath of a New York synagogue being a hub for the spread that led to the New York containment zone being created by the Governor of New York.


Trump Bans European Travel for 30 Days

In response to the spread of Coronavirus, the U.S. President has put a 30-day temporary ban on all travel to or from Europe to the U.S.A. to contain the spread. This comes after Trump downplayed the virus after he came in contact with 3 leaders who had been in contact with people contaminated.
The ban went into effect March 13 and ends in April. This affects not only travel for spread but major business as big international travel events like WWE WrestleMania are April 5 and a number of people come worldwide for the PPV event as areas have banned events with groups of more than 50 people at one time for the next eight weeks.


Plan on upgrading? Buy now!

Now is a good time to purchase an upgrade to current laptops or phones. Many manufacturers of these machines have shut down their operations since the spread of the Coronavirus. For example, there was a confirmed case at a Samsung factory in South Korea that was producing the newly released Galaxy Z Flip. The same goes for the displays made by Samsung used on the iPhone. The iPhone 12 and iPhone 9 are also rumored to be delayed due to the virus.