Governor announces suspension of in person K-12 instruction for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year

Chantele Fox, Editor-in-Chief

More than 1.5 million K-12 students, along with teachers, faculty and staff, will not be returning to school for the remainder of the academic year following an announcement made by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer April 2 amid the Coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe.
In her announcement, the Governor made it clear that although students would not be returning for face-to-face instruction, schools districts will work to develop and distant learning program, whether online, printed materials or a combination of both. Moreover, Whitmer stated that high school seniors would remain on track to graduate on time and students would be promoted to the next grade, if they were on track to do so before the start of the pandemic.
While this decision was not as easy one, many feel that it was most definitely the right one given the circumstances. That does, however, have negative implications on the children and their families, not to mention the teachers and school district staff. Many children rely on the school meal programs for at least one of their meals per day. It also leaves many wondering where their child will stand come the 2020-2021 academic year having lost that face-to-face instruction.
“My No. 1 priority right now is protecting Michigan families from the spread of COVID-19. For the sake of our students, their families and the more than 100,000 teachers and staff in our state, I have made the difficult decision to close our school facilities for the remainder of the school year,” Governor Whitmer stated in her address. “As a parent, I understand the challenge closing schools creates for parents and guardians across the state, which is why we are setting guidelines for schools to continue remote learning and ensuring parents have resources to continue their children’s education from the safety of their homes. There is no video chat or homework packet that can replace the value of a highly trained, experienced teacher working with students in a classroom, but we must continue to provide equitable educational opportunities for students during this public health crisis.”
The governor continued to say that all teachers and school staff will continue to receive pay through the remainder of the academic school year. Additionally, student teachers are still able to acquire temporary certification with current teachers able to renew their certifications. Finally, all standardized tests, including the M-STEP and SAT, will be canceled.
For more information or to view a complete copy of Executive Order 2020-35 the suspension of all face-to-face instruction in K-12 Michigan schools, please visit,9309,7-387-90499_90705-524032–,00.html.
For more information about COVID-19 and the state of Michigan, please visit

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