Culinary Department moves last weeks of class to fall semester

Clarisa Russenberger, Managing Editor

Schoolcraft’s Culinary Arts Department announced that all classes must be completed in the fall 2020 semester earlier this month. Most Schoolcraft classes were moved to distance learning due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, distance learning in the Culinary Arts department is simply not possible. Therefore, a plan was made for students involved in this program to finish their classes in the fall 2020 semester.
SC32071Students will complete all assignments and practical exams. For this to happen, culinary students will be integrated into the fall 2020 culinary rotation and they will be notified with more information later.
For now, most students’ grades will appear as an incomplete (I), until the completion of their course in the fall.
The Culinary Department advises students to stay updated via email, as some classes and students may have already received information from their instructor for putting closure to the second rotation.
The situation for students in the CBPA Certificate Program is similar. Baking students will receive an incomplete (I) grade with details to follow. They are also expected to finish their course in the fall semester.
The department stated that there will be onward conversations and discussions on how to celebrate the 2020 graduates.
“Please stay healthy, and as a department, we are truly sorry for this setback, but we will get through this together and cook again soon,” states Department Chair, Chef Shawn Loving.

Photos courtesy of Schoolcraft College