There is no doubt that Schoolcraft supports its students with a plethora of resources. Food banks for those with food insecurity, clubs to create community among students and BeWell for mental health support. However, what about the students who are parents at Schoolcraft?
Recently, mySchoolcraft support texted, “Student parents have higher GPAs than nearly any other group on campus…” Student parents already have their hands full. How are they able to fit into this group demographic while tackling the responsibilities of raising human beings? This can be even harder to imagine considering the workload of a full time student that usually works at least a part time job.
Imagine being a parent and coming back to school; taking the extra steps to ensure you have enough support for yourself, and your child(ren). Though Schoolcraft offers the flexibility of in-person, online and hybrid classes one must wonder if the resources offered by Schoolcraft are enough? Is Schoolcraft supporting their student parents to the fullest extent possible? During all three interviews with student parents, it is agreed upon that they had a strong support system from home and Schoolcraft.
Elizabeth Lux, the arts and entertainment editor for the Schoolcraft Connection and majoring in Liberal Arts, in truth said; “it’s super, super important to have a support system outside of Schoolcraft, otherwise I would not be going to college right now.”
Parents of Schoolcraft can feel a certain camaraderie for each other. Many students are fresh out of high school or are in the younger demographic, usually with no children. Parents tend to live more life before returning to school; giving them a different outlook on life.
Going to school with children can prove a difficult feat when children are younger. This reality can force parents to forgo the ability to choose school over working to support a growing family.
When Yan Li, PTK (Phi Theta Kappa) officer of communications and majoring in nursing, went to his first nursing class, his teacher asked which students were parents. “I looked around and there were a lot of parents, I have to be honest I got very emotional. I just feel touched because I feel like I saw other parents doing the same thing I do,” said Li.
Parents are wanting to give the next generation someone to look up to. One of the biggest motivations to coming back to school is children, striving to give them a better life.
The consensus is that Schoolcraft all around supports their students who are parents. Heika Scheitler, a student majoring in mathematics, stated she has had to bring her child to class before and her professor was supportive. “On the occasions that I’ve had to bring one of my kids with me, it’s never been an issue as the instructors are understanding.”
She is unable to attend clubs because many of them are during the day, like the Mathematics and Physics Club. It’s usually understood by parents that schedules cannot be changed just to accommodate them. This is a fact of life that being a parent you have to miss out on some fun things like clubs or outings. This shouldn’t include parents who could make an impactful difference in the community because they are unable to attend school.
The question to ask is how can Schoolcraft help support students that do not have a strong support system?
Though not interviewed, it is almost certain there are single parents, pushing through school with miniscule help.
How many potential students pass the opportunity to further their education, even with the resources offered? The inability to find or even afford adequate child care hinders the capability to attend school. During Sheitler’s interview, she brought up the topic of child care. She stated, “It would be nice if there was a daycare, I could understand that for parents coming back to school, especially single parents [how that may be useful.]” Evaluating this situation, someone has to wonder how many aspiring architects are in their living rooms building block towers with their toddler. How many hidden mathematicians are sitting at their kitchen tables helping their ninth grader with algebra.
Could Schoolcraft consider an option to offer as needed child care?
At local gyms they give time limits for their child care centers, two hours for a patron to work out in their gym. Could it be considered; the possibility of even raising tuition by so much to fund child care? This would allow parents in need of adequate child care to attend classes. How many more people could attend Schoolcraft knowing their child is right down the street?
Now, let’s circle back to the message from mySchoolcraft, really evaluating the text. If student parents are in fact one of the highest GPA holders, why wouldn’t we do as much as we can to support them? Yan Li said it perfectly, “We’re here for a reason, either for ourselves or either for our families and we have a goal, we have a mission and that is very special.”
Inclusivity is vital to making sure those who need extra help receive that help. Student parents should be included in that inclusivity.