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Schoolcraft Connection

The Student News Site of Schoolcraft College

Schoolcraft Connection

The Student News Site of Schoolcraft College

Schoolcraft Connection

thumbnail_ThisWeekInCampusLife update


Week of March 24

Looking to get involved on campus? Join a club today!

Join a club or organization today by clicking here:

Club Meetings
For a list of all club meetings go to
Please contact our office at 734-462-4422 if you have any questions about club meetings.





Pageturners Book Discussion: Tin Camp Road: A Novel by Ellen Airgood

March 25
2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

Laurel Hill and her precocious daughter Skye have always been each other’s everything. The pair live on Lake Superior, where the local school has classes of just four children, and the nearest hospital is a helicopter ride away. Though they live frugally, eking out a living with
Laurel’s patchwork of jobs, their deep love for each other feels like it can warm them even on the coldest of nights. What more do they need?
One otherwise normal afternoon, their landlord decides to evict them in favor of a more profitable summer rental, and, without any warning, they are pushed farther to the margins. Suddenly it feels like the independence that has defined them is a liability. And when a dangerous incident threatens to separate them, Laurel and Skye must forever choose–will they leave the place they love
and the hardscrabble life they’ve built to move closer to civilization, or risk everything to embrace the emptiness and wildness that has defined them? What follows is an uplifting, profoundly moving story about a mother and daughter fighting for each other, against all odds, as they learn to build community and foster the resilience that will keep them alive.


Dance Party

March 26
5 – 10 p.m.
Lower Level, Vistatech Center

Join the Dance Club for a fun night of dancing. Food and beverages will be provided.


Multicultural Fair

March 27
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
DiPonio Room, Vistatech Center

Take a trip around the World! Join us for the 20th annual Multicultural Fair. Come see Cultural displays, performances, language demonstrations and sample international foods. Students, faculty, staff and the community is welcome!


Pageturners Book Meet the Author Event

March 27
2:30 p.m.


Project Playhem Board Game Night

March 30
3 – 10 p.m.
Lower Level, Vistatech Center

Join Project Playhem for Board Game Night featuring a variety of Board Games such as Mario Party, Ticket to Ride, Uno Show’em No Mercy and more! Everyone is welcome!



Upcoming Events



Up Jumped Spring Concert featuring the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Improvisation  Combo

March 31
7:30 p.m.
Vistatech Center, DiPonio Room

The Schoolcraft Jazz Studies Program under the direction of Dr. Riccardo Selva presents a concert featuring talented musicians of the Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Improvisation Combo. The eclectic repertoire programmed by the ensembles will unfold into a lively and creative concert that promises to usher in the freshness of spring. Admission is FREE. Donations will be accepted at the door and will be used to fund student scholarships and the Jazz Program.


Snack and Study

Drop-In: April 2
11 to 1 p.m.
Bradner Library 110

Join Learning Support Services and the Bradner Library for some free snacks while you study!

Drop in, do your homework, meet friends for a study group, or chat with one of our Academic Success Coaches. Food available while supplies last; first come first served.

For more information contact: [email protected] or call 734-462-7330.


Wednesday Noon Jazz and Classical Concerts
featuring Bayberry String Quartet

April 2
Kehrl Auditorium, VT 550

Join the Music Department for its Wednesday Noon Jazz and Classical Concert. This event is free and open to the public.


Plants and Pride

April 3
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
LA 200

Celebrate spring with the Pride Team. Drop-in, decorate a terracotta pot and pick a plant all while learning about the queer history and symbolism behind various plants! Take home your creation and watch it grow. Allies welcome.


Vision to Venture: Schoolcraft Business Pitch Competition 

April 4
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Kehrl Auditorium

Compete, win and sharpen your entrepreneurial skills! Show us your business idea and win up to $1000. Open to all enrolled Schoolcraft Students.


The Schoolcraft College Theatre Department proudly presents: Clarkston

April 4 & 5
7:30 p.m.
April 6
2 p.m.
James R. Hartman Theatre, LA500

$20 General Admission ($15 students)
available at
Call 734-462-4596 or at the door

CLARKSTON examines the lives of two young men who meet working in a Costco in Clarkston, Washington. Jake is from the East Coast and attended an elite liberal arts college, but suffered from a fatal illness. He is on his way to see the ocean when his illness slows him down. Chris is a local Clarkston by with a meth-addict mother and a dead-end life. The young men form an awkward bond. Both are gay, but they have led vastly different lives. Can they learn to help each other?


Job Fair 2025 Skilled Trades

April 9
4-7 p.m.
Manufacturing and Engineering Center (MEC)
13001 Merriman Rd, Livonia, MI 48150

Schoolcraft College’s Skilled Trades Job Fair connects job seekers with top local employers in manufacturing and other technical industries, offering opportunities for full-time and part-time positions in high demand fields. For questions, call 734-462-4421 or
email: [email protected].


Worship Night

April 9
7-8 p.m.
Lower Level, Vistatech Center

Join Christian Challenge for Worship Night. Pizza Provided.


Basant Bahaar Mela Spring Celebration Fair 2025

April 19
11 a.m.- 7 p.m.
Vistatech Center, DiPonio Room

The Schoolcraft College Asian Student Association presents Basant Bahaar Mela Spring Celebration Fair. Bring friends and family and join us for a fun and immersive cultural experience! Pop in for a minute or stay the whole day! Clothing, jewelry, home decor, refreshment and food, henna painting and more. This event is free and open to the public.


Middle School College Night Open House

April 21
5.- 7 p.m.
Vistatech Center

Learn the steps to take in high school to prepare for college! Speak with high school counselors, meet with representatives from a wide range of colleges and universities, learn about scholarships and financial aid, explore a variety of college majors and learn how to start earning college credits in high school through Dual Enrollment. No cost required to attend.


Grad Fair

April 23
9 a.m.- 3 p.m.

April 24
12-6 p.m.

Main Campus Bookstore

Mark your calendars for the 2025 Grad Fair! Attend the Grad Fair to purchase your cap and pressed gown, receive guest tickets and order announcements. Just a reminder be prepared to pay a $50 graduation fee. Grad images will be at the Grad Fair to take professional headshots of each graduate. They will also be at the Commencement Ceremony taking photos available for purchase after the ceremony.


Thayers Park Volunteer Cleanup

April 25
10 a.m.- 1 p.m.

April 26
9 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Volunteers should meet at the park which is located at 8250 Napier Road, Northville, MI 48168

Looking for 10-20 volunteers. RSVP by email at [email protected] or call 734-462-4422 before April 24 at 5 p.m. Pizza and refreshments will be provided at noon. Participants will want to bring gloves. Tools and directions on jobs will be provided on site.



Around Campus


Student Food Pantry 

In need of food assistance? Sign-up to use the Student Food Pantry. If you or  know of any students who are interested in this service, please have them contact the SAO at [email protected].eduor call 734-462-4422 to secure an intake form. We have been providing food for our students who self-identify that they need this service.  To fill out a form online go to

Students can visit the pantry twice a month to pick up two bags of food. The pantry is located in the lower level of the Vistatech Center.

If you would like to donate food, please reach out as well and we can make arrangements to accept the donation of non-perishable food. Thank you.


Your health and safety is our highest priority.  We continue to adhere to enhanced cleaning protocols and encourage all of our members to help us continue to keep the Fitness Center clean by wiping down equipment before and after use. We continue to work hard to provide a safe and clean facility for all of our members and perform enhanced cleaning protocols throughout the day. We are all in this together and it is a TEAM effort to keep the fitness center clean and keep our e



Career Mentorship and Placement 

Location: JC Suite 340

Campus services (appointments for resumes, interview skills, placement support, in-class workshops, etc.): current students and alumni

Collaborations and partnerships (job posting, mentorship): colleagues, alumni, employers, and businesses

Events and programs (job fair, etc): all

Short description for students: Career Mentorship and Placement offers career readiness programs such as resume tips, interview preparation, career mentorship, and job placement.  Visit for more information.

Contact information: [email protected], 734-462-4421

To schedule a student/alumni meeting: For Summer 2024 we are remote appointment only. Please have the student email or call us: [email protected], or 734-462-4421. We do have a bookings link, but we’re not sharing it out on social or the website, as this hopefully is a temporary solution until the Fall semester starts: Microsoft Bookings – Career Mentorship and Placement Appointment

Hours of operation for student/alumni appointments: We will be available M-Th 10a-4p during the summer. For Fall, these hours are subject to change and will expand into Fridays.

Type of service for students/alumni: 30-minute one-on-one appointment via Microsoft Teams. Students can book their appointment using the bookings link, and if staff would like, they can book on the student’s behalf. This is subject to change as we’d like to offer in-person and drop-in availability for the Fall 2024 semester. More information to come!

Learning Support Services


Learning Support Services offers a variety of programs and services to support students’ goals at any point in their college career. We hope you make us a part of your academic experience and we look forward to working with you!

We offer a variety of services free to all students including:

• Academic success coaching

• Bradner Library resources and services

• Tutoring and writing support programs

• Student success workshops and events



The Learning Center offers course-specific tutoring support for Schoolcraft students both in-person and remotely.

To attend drop-in tutoring, view weekly drop-in tutoring schedule and general hours of operation for the semester.

The Remote Learning Center is available for tutoring and writing support by appointment. To schedule an appointment call or email the Learning Center.

If you have any questions, contact [email protected] or 734-462-4436


Writing Support Studio

Our consultants will work with each visitor for approximately one hour at a time. The student may input the suggestions for revision elsewhere and then return to the Writing Support Studio.

Our Peer Consultants can:

• Peer-review student writing in all disciplines

• Help students with organization, structure, and style

• Assist students with grammar and mechanics

• Provide an opportunity for revision and refinement of structure and content

• Offer a fresh, objective set of eyes to check for precision and concision


We offer three options for Writing Support:

• In-person, drop-in sessions: Please view the Drop-in Learning Center Schedule for our current schedule.

• Remote by appointment: To schedule an appointment call or email the Learning Center.

• By email support: Share your essay with [email protected] via Google Drive or as an attached Word document. (Please expect up to a three-day turn around for all email submissions).



Bradner Library


The Library provides you with access to many of the key academic resources that you need to further your education. These resources include: access to books, eBooks, reference materials and journal articles from a wide selection of academic databases.

The college librarians are available to help support your instructional and information seeking needs. To discuss options for a library tour, please contact your department’s Library liaison.

The following Library services are available to Schoolcraft College students, staff, and faculty:


Library Services for Remote Users

Schoolcraft students, faculty, and staff can access library databases from off-campus through Blackboard by clicking the “Organizations” tab. Go to


On Campus Services

The Bradner Library building is open to provide study spaces and Librarian assistance.

The Library’s regular hours are listed below. Please note scheduling exceptions on the website

Winter Library Hours:
Monday- Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday • 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday • closed

January 2-3 • 9 a.m. to 5  p.m.
January 4 • closed
January 20 • closed (Martin Luther King Day)
March 1-2 • closed (Mid-Term Break)
March 8 • 12 to 5 p.m.

We have a Library catalog:
Students, faculty and staff can check their library account, place holds on items and more by using their Blackboard or College email credentials.

A collection of our Library research guides by subject can be found at:

Additional Library resources and databases can be found on our library webpage:

For additional assistance with our library databases and for reference services, please contact our reference desk at:  [email protected]  or call the library reference desk at: (734) 462- 5316


Schoolcraft College Business Development Center Classes

The Schoolcraft College BDC offers a number of classes and workshops catering to the needs of new ventures and established businesses. For more information on any of the seminars, contact us at [email protected]  or (734) 462-4438.

The Schoolcraft Connection is hiring

The Schoolcraft Connection continues to create content and is hiring writers, photographers and videographers to join the team. Please email [email protected] or call 734-462-4422.

$1100 scholarship for fall and winter for most positions.