Turn a page or two

Matthew Fular, Editor-in-Chief

Calling all bookworms, if you have finished your summer reading list and are looking for a new book or two, look no further than Pageturners.

During fall and winter, Pageturners pulls 3 books per semester to read and discuss. With an array of genres and authors, there is always a book for anyone who is looking to join.

Like the rest of the world, Pageturners had to change its in person meetings and adopted Blackboard Collaborate as their discussion platform for the fall 2020 semester and likely in the winter 2021 semester as well. Book discussions are an hourlong and often take place Tuesday’s starting at 1:30 p.m. for the fall semester.

In addition to their book discussions, Pageturners often collaborates with groups like the International Institute to bring the campus “Meet the Author” events, or movie screenings.

While movie screenings may be off the table for the time being, Pageturners has a “Meet the Author” event coming up Nov. 4 with international best-selling author Lysley Tenorio regarding his book “The Son of Good Fortune.” Pageturners is not your grandma’s book club and there is something for everyone.

“For first-time [and all] attendees, Pageturners is a welcoming place! There is a facilitator who starts and gently guides the discussions while also allowing for participants to freely share their ideas,” stated Pageturners Co-Coordinator and Schoolcraft English professor Denise Schell. “In my experience, there is a lot of insightful conversation; frequently, participants will take the ideas and contributions of those who have shared before them and delve deeper into the insights about various themes, concepts, and characters in the book being discussed. That said, it is not an intimidating environment; all contributions are equally respected and valued.”

While September and October’s book discussion have already taken place, students looking to get involved this fall still can. November’s reading selection “The Nickle Boys: A Novel” by Colson Whitehead, will be discussed Nov. 17 at 1:30 p.m. at https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/33ea4beacf8040899ddf5c0ffefe0d85.

Under New Management

This fall semester saw the passing of the torch from longtime Pageturners Coordinator Ela Rybicka to Co-Coordinator Denise Schell and Wayne Pricer. The two bookworms are ready to share their passion for reading with students.

“As newly initiated co-coordinators, Wayne and I are just happy to continue Pageturners proud tradition of presenting relevant and timely books for discussion,” exclaimed Schell. “It has been a different experience with the book discussions being conducted virtually this semester, and likely we will continue to meet virtually in the Winter, 2021 semester as well.”

What habitual reader doesn’t have a favorite book or genre? Both new coordinators share an appreciation of mystery books, a genre which often makes an appearance in the winter semester’s book selection. In terms of favorite books, one of Pricer’s favorite books is The “Glory of Their Times” by Lawrence Ritter, which tells the story of the early days of baseball. One of Schell’s is a book called “Daddy” by Loup Durand, which tells the story of a ten-year-old genius running from the Nazis.

Annual Writing and Art Award contest offers opportunities for students to flex creative muscles

Pageturners has a yearly Writing and Art Award featuring cash prizes. A $250 award awaits students who create an art piece or a creative writing piece based on the books read during this school year.

To participate in the competition, students must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. The applicant must be enrolled at Schoolcraft College during Fall and/or winter semester of the current academic year.
  2. The applicant must select AT LEAST one Pageturners book read during Fall and/or winter semester of the current academic year.
  3. The applicant must submit a creative essay or an artwork inspired by a Pageturners book.
  4. The applicant is allowed to submit one entry and in one category only.
  5. The applicant must complete and submit an application by April 5, 2021.

Contest guidelines:

  1. The applicant must select one Pageturners book and respond to it creatively in writing or in artwork.
  2. All writing and artwork must be original and pertain to the selected Pageturners book. The student’s signature on the application form is an acknowledgment of the originality of the work.
  3. The student’s name should appear on the back side (not front) of the artwork along with the phone number. Please do not write on the front of the artwork.
  4. The winners will have their writing and artwork featured on the Pageturners website.
  5. The writing entry should be a creative essay of approximately 2000 words or less. The book review or summary will not be considered as valid entries.
  6. The artwork entry should be one of the following: drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, wood cuts or diorama. The video art, film, jewelry, and photography will not be considered as valid entries. Entries must not be framed, under glass, or have a protective covering that is attached to the art.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the winter book selection for Pageturners.

For more information about Pageturners or the Writing and Art Award, contact Co-Coordinator Denise Schell at [email protected] or Co-Coordinator Wayne Pricer at [email protected].

Photo courtesy of Sharon McCutcheon