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President Dr. Glenn Cerny wins Phi Theta Kappa Paragon President award

Matthew Fular, Editor-in-Chief

The International Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), has recognized President Dr. Glenn Cerny with the 2021 Paragon President Award.

This distinction is given to new college presidents who show exceptional support for students and aids in their PTK chapter’s success. Presidents can earn this award within their first five years in their role, Cerny was put forward by Omicron Iota and earned the distinction before a full year in his new role.

“Our PTK chapter nominated Dr. Cerny because of the genuine interest and enthusiasm he showed for each of our chapter’s initiatives, particularly with regards to our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative,” stated Corin Tyler, President of the PTK Omicron Iota Chapter. “I specifically recall the genuine and heartfelt interest he took in what was only the beginning stages of our endeavor.  He wanted us to explore this issue and see what ways we could propose to combat, and bring the college closer to a new, and brighter future.”

College presidents are often consulted on the projects and goals a PTK chapter sets for the year. They aid in narrowing the projects focus so that it serves to help the college and the community. In addition, they can help provide resources and contacts that can aid in project completion. Only one other Schoolcraft President was recognized for their support of Omicron Iota before Dr. Cerny.

“This is the first Paragon President award that we have received as a chapter,” said Todd Stowell, Director of Student Activities and Advisor to Omicron Iota. “The Paragon Award is reserved for new college presidents and really provides the students an opportunity to acknowledge the actions and vision from the president to the campus.”

Cerny will be recognized at PTK’s annual Catalyst convention this upcoming April. This national convention is when chapters from across the United States learn how well they executed the projects they took on the previous year. Chapters write up nominations for members, officers and administration that helped aid them in their endeavors. Cerny’s contributions to both of Omicron Iota’s chapter projects were one of many reasons he was nominated and received the Paragon President award.

“Dr. Cerny supported us in all of our thought, intention and collection [for the projects].  He planted within us a seed and was the impetus for our chapter to embark upon a four-month journey of learning and growth, with fruit that will be reaped for many years to come,” commented Tyler. “Slowly, our chapter and students will bring about the change that has been talked about for generations, but this can only be done together, united in our differences.”

The past year was unprecedented and generated much uncertainty in terms of both student and chapter success. Despite the new challenges, Cerny helped the chapter find viable projects that supported the college and its community. The award seeks to highlight his efforts in helping the students navigate the murky waters of the pandemic and thrive despite the unlikely odds.

“This [award] provides an opportunity to provide our campus with more visibility around Cerny’s leadership and our student leaders’ perception of that,” states Stowell. “I feel that there is mutual admiration in that regard.”

Congratulations to Dr. Cerny on earning the designation of Paragon President and being the first President to earn the distinction from Schoolcraft College.

For more information about Phi Theta Kappa Omicron Iota, visit their Facebook or go to