Students at Schoolcraft come from all walks of life— public school, international, home schooling and out-of-state. Transitioning from old to new environments can be stressful, exhausting and worrisome for students. Seeking help is not always the first thing that comes to mind. However, when help comes from people experiencing the same situation—especially fellow students— it is often received in a better way. Reaching out to students for advice or help, can grow connections.
Around campus, signs remind students Schoolcraft strives to “put the community in college.” Students on the Schoolcraft Connection staff have experienced nothing less. Schoolcraft has been a welcoming community with students aspiring to help one another through ups and downs.
There is a unique comfort in seeking guidance from a peer—someone who understands your struggles on a personal level. The most powerful support comes from students helping each other. Approaching others may feel uncomfortable or unsettling, but a little kindness can change everything. A simple “hello” or asking if a student needs help understanding a project or assignment can change someone’s entire day.
Helping others around campus and being kind can have a personal impact on someone and make the Schoolcraft community a more welcoming and comforting place. The next time you see someone who needs help. Remember, it could have a lasting impact.