Enjoy the garba
Annual “Navratri Garba” celebration goes virtual
Photo courtesy of the Student Activities Office
On Oct. 24, Schoolcraft will host “Navratri Garba.” Unlike years prior, this year’s celebration will be virtual and will take place via Zoom from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with free admission to all.
October 23, 2020
It’s that time of year once more, Ocelots! Time to get your garb on and prepare to take a dive into the melting pot that is Schoolcraft College on Oct. 24 with the Asian Students Association sponsored event “Navratri Garba.” Unlike years prior, this year’s celebration will be virtual and will take place via Zoom from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with free admission to all.
This traditional Indian event aims to recognize and pay homage to the Hindu celebration known as “Garba.” In fact, it honors the creator of the universe, Durga, who represents the feminine form of divinity. “Navratri” itself means “nine nights,” which is how long the celebration typically lasts and coincidentally represents Druga’s forms. This festival is celebrated with a dance known as the “Garba,” in which participants go barefoot in respect to the earth that we walk on. “Garba” is another term that is important to this event and the Hindu tradition because it means “womb,” also paying respect to the feminine goddess.
Traditionally when this event is held on campus, there would be a provided Indian meal, prizes for best dressed and best dancer and even vendors for attendees to purchase jewelry and clothing. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions and health precautions, this year’s celebration will look slightly different but rest assured, the Asian Students Association and Schoolcraft College will strive to uphold the special significance that many have enjoyed in years past. Live music will be provided by Sammvad and will be offered for participants’ enjoyment.
The Asian Students Association and the College are here in this time of difficulty, albeit in a
different modality, but still with the same heart. Take out your vibrant outfits and enjoy the evening’s festivities with a small group of friends and dance to your favorite tunes.
To attend this event, please visit schoolcraftcollege.zoom.us/j/87332137106?pwd=N3FzclV3QXBianovTGduODNWM2hOdz09. You may also use the Meeting ID: 873 3213 7106 and passcode: 770930 to join in the festivities.