Most Michiganders can attest that our healthcare system has been in an exacerbated crisis for the last few years. Many students have interests in working in the field, but the financial burden of these often extensive classes and degrees pile up, turning away many students from this profession.
The education in the healthcare programs are essential, but the access, a.k.a cost of such programs, can be more in reach for inquiring students. Due to the partnerships Schoolcraft has with some healthcare systems, like Corewell and Trinity Health, the college wanted to utilize such relations and even further mend the transition of college education to full time career.

“We approached Corewell, and they were more than willing to fund or at least to start with supporting 20 students, covering $8,500 in their final year, in exchange for an agreement and a job at the end of their degree period,” said Health Professions Liaison Donna Moir. “[Students] are able to get a full-time job, get their last year of tuition paid for and the health systems win because they’re able to work with these students in their clinical rotations, so they hit the ground running.”
Students in the final year of their degree, specifically in Registered Nursing, will benefit from the Corewell agreement. As it is a newer agreement, the scholarship is catered to nursing students, but will hope to expand on other nursing programs.
“It will give much needed financial support to students, a guarantee of employment and an opportunity to continue to progress on an upward path for gaining more skills to address the workforce pipeline shortages,” said Schoolcraft College President Dr. Glenn Cerny.
Schoolcraft also has partnerships with Trinity Health, funding nine health profession programs through students’ programs as well; including Surgical Technology AAS, Sterile Processing Skills Certificate, Pharmacy Technician Certificate, Radiology Technology AAS, Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) Certificate, second year Registered Nursing AAS program, Diagnostic Medical Sonography and the Emergency Medical or Paramedic program.
“[Students]can go on Scholarship Universe and apply. I encourage all students to apply because we have more than just the Corwell and Trinity scholarships [for the health profession programs], but we also have a lot of scholarships for all majors,” said Executive Director of The Schoolcraft Foundation and Alumni Relations Dawn Magretta.

The college only hopes to continue with these relationships, as well as continue to aid in addressing and aiding with deficits in the workforce. Moir specifically has been working with each healthcare system to address their shortages and come to an agreement that truly benefits and has the best intentions for students.
“Partnerships are only as good as both entities providing resources, commitments and continuous conversation on how to improve the relationship. It is hard work to achieve the agreements, but more critical that the relationships keep maturing to add value over time,” said Dr. Cerny.
These agreements are designed to benefit everyone; a profession in dire need of support and students who may need that extra help to complete their goals.
All offered scholarships are available throughout the year and open at various times but can be found in Schoolcraft’s student portal Ocelot Access, under the Scholarship Universe tab.
For more information, visit Schoolcraft Financial Aid at or contact 34-462-4433 or