Putting the “community” in colleges

For students, higher education options are heavily affected by the atmosphere the pandemic has created; how much money we have to spare for classes, how well an institution facilitates infection prevention protocols, and whether the classes would even be taught applicably, either on-campus or online. If you are entering a university this fall and you find yourself having to take online classes at your home university, consider enrolling in Schoolcraft.

Really, the best time to switch over to a community college is now. 

Financially it doesn’t make sense for you to still be paying the same price as if you are on the campus and in-class at a 4-year institution. Costs per credit-hour are much lower at Schoolcraft than at your four-year school. Schoolcraft’s residential credit hour cost for 15 credit hours is about $2,278. Compare that to Michigan State University which costs about $7,230 or University of Michigan Ann Arbor which costs about $7,760 and you’re looking at close to $5,000 worth of savings for one semester. To see the tuition costs for the 2020-2021 academic year, visit schoolcraft.edu/tuition/tuition-and-fees.

If you’re worried that community college is somehow a discount version of education in terms of quality, you shouldn’t be. 

Schoolcraft is a part of the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), a program that allows students to transfer general education courses from community college to some of the top universities in our state. In essence, you can attend Schoolcraft for lower prices and not have to worry about repeating a gen ed course once you begin to attend participating 4-year institutions. If you want to learn about the MTA, Schoolcraft has a dedicated page located here.

Don’t worry if you think you missed the boat to attend Schoolcraft. With a variety of late starting classes, you still have plenty of time to enroll. College is meant to be a time of discovery for incoming students. A time to experiment and foster skills into a potential career path. While the future may seem uncertain, these things will still be possible at a fraction of the price of your home university.

Whichever your reason, save a few bucks this year and enroll at Schoolcraft. 

Best regards,

The Schoolcraft Connection Editor Team